Strengthening qualified teacher status and career progression

Photo by Jerry Kimbrell Licence: CC0
It has been a long time since I looked forward to reading a Government document on the way home on the train and even longer since one made me smile. I welcome this response and particularly the fact that DfE have clearly listened to the Profession. There are many positive proposals and a welcome recognition from the Minister that, if they are to work, it is primarily the profession, supported by Government that will make them do so.
There is important work to do still. Essential now is that the expert groups have the right people. People who understand ITT and the subsequent challenges of being an NQT and of developing early career teachers. People who will genuinely consult with Subject Associations, the Chartered College, the best ITT providers and School Leaders with a track record of supporting the development of excellent teachers and collaborate with them in the production and implementation of the Early Careers Framework and Subject Qualifications and the resources for them. People who want research evidence and the need for an integrated approach to teacher recruitment, training, retention and development of excellent teachers.
It is essential too that the next spending review ensures sufficient funding for these projects and the parallel work on recruitment, retention and the reduction of workload. Schools will need help with the impact on budgets of the proposed two year NQT period and specialist mentors.
However, I am optimistic for now. If it is all well resourced, with joined up thinking and continued political will, perhaps we will see the positive impacts we all want. Certainly, I believe the profession will do its best to make it work.
Thanks for making me smile, Damian Hinds.