ITTE Annual International Conference 2011, Keele University
“Back to the Future?: where are we going with ICT and ITE?”
Tuesday 5th – Thursday 7th July 2011.
The Theme:
Given the government agenda on Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and the apparent threat to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a subject on the revised English National Curriculum, we entitled this Annual Conference ‘Back to the Future?’; subtitled, ‘where are we going with ICT and ITE?’ This was an exciting opportunity to hear experts’ views and to discuss the opportunities for and challenges to ICT/Computing/Technologies in Education and Initial Teacher Education more widely.
The programme included key note speakers who are national and international experts in ITE and ICT/Computing, workshops on technologies in education, papers and posters on ITE and Technologies and discussion groups on a range of topics around the future of ITE and ICT/Computing in Education: it provided participants with a stimulating three days of debate, discussion, socialising and networking.
Speakers included:
Professor Stephen Heppell – world renowned expert on technologies in education;
Tim Tarrant, – retired Head of the ICT team at the Teaching and Development Agency (TDA);
Kevin Mattinson – Pro Vice-Chancellor (Community and Partnerships) and Head of Education at Keele University.
A selection of resources and presentations from the conference are now available online to members.
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Conference presentations