Consultations and Development Work

ITTE continues to play an active and vigorous role in the ongoing consultations on the future development of the ICT Curriculum and the introduction of Computer Science to schools.

Digital Skills for Tomorrow’s World

ITTE is a contributor to the interim report “Digital Skills for Tomorrow’s World” published by the UK Digital Skills Task Force in 2014. The report is available here:

View the launch video here and also visit the UK Digital Skills Task Force YouTube Channel for additional background content.

 Make or Break: Lords Digital Skills Committee Report 2015.

Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future was published on 17th February 2015. In this report the House of Lords Select Committee on Digital Skills expresses considerable anxiety about the digital future of the UK:

There is … a real concern that the UK will be left behind in this new digital era; we are at a tipping point. Digital businesses can locate anywhere in the world, and if we fail to provide the right conditions for them to flourish in the UK, we will become a branch economy, much less prosperous and influential than we could be.”

 – – – Download and read the papers here – – –

The committee was convened in June 2014 in order to consider information and communications technology, competitiveness and skills in the UK. A call for evidence was announced on 11 July 2014 with a deadline for written submissions on 5 September 2014. ITTE’s contribution to the written evidence is included in the  Evidence Volume (see page 59). The individual  contributions can be read here and transcripts of the oral evidence are available here.

ETAG Consultation 2014-2015

At the beginning of 2014, Ministers from DfE and BIS set up the Education Technology Action Group ETAG, an independent group. The group was to advise on how digital technology might empower teachers and learners by enabling innovation across schools, further education and higher education students, employers and the wider economy.

ITTE responded to the ETAG consultation in May 2014.

The ETAG Report was published  in early 2015.

The ITTE response is here.

Joint Statement by NAACE, CAS and ITTE on ICT and Computer Science in UK schools
25th June 2012


Naace, CAS and ITTE have complementary roles, and are committed to working together to reform and develop the curriculum and pedagogy in Computer Science and ICT in UK schools. The three organisations will work together to prepare future teachers effectively and to support existing teachers with good CPD.

Read more about these ground breaking collaborative developments in the joint statement document attached below (.pdf and .doc versions available).

Joint Statement

Correspondence with Education Ministers 2012

This joint letter from ITTE, NAACE and Mirandanet was sent to Michael Gove on Friday 19th October 2012, expressing concerns about the removal of ICT Teacher Training courses.

ITTE received this response from David Laws to the letter ITTE sent to Michael Gove.

ITTE Submission to National Curriculum Review 2011

The review of the National Curriculum in England was launched by the Secretary of State on 20 January 2011. By the time submissions closed on 14 April, the Department for Education had received over 5,700 responses, one of the highest rates of response to such an exercise recorded by the Department.

ITTE submitted a detailed, evidence-based, 29 page response on your behalf. The paper argued the case for ICT to be a core subject and provided extensive evidence from research, studies, and reports from across the world in support of this contention.

You can read the full submission here.

The Department for Education’s submission form is available here.