Main Lecture room – West Downs 2
Chair: Andy Connell
Time 9.35 – 10.35
In September 2014 the new National Curriculum programmes of study for Computing became mandatory in England, replacing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a school subject and introducing Computer Science into schools.
The new curriculum posed a challenge for in-service ICT teachers without Computer Science subject knowledge: teachers urgently needed to develop both subject and pedagogical knowledge to make the transition from teaching ICT to teaching Computing.
Using an extended version of Shulman’s pedagogical reasoning model, this paper uses an empirically-driven theoretical critique to examine the opportunities and limitations of PCK for understanding how a group of teachers making the transition to teaching Computing have been able to plan lessons aligning with the new programmes of study.
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Elizabeth is a doctoral candidate in the School of Education. Her research is about teachers’ transitional knowledge and pedagogical practices following the 2014 ICT to Computing curriculum change in England. She used digital and video-based methods to capture and explore teachers’ planning processes.
Elizabeth completed her MA in ICT in Education in 2004 at the University of London Institute of Education. She also has a PGCE with QTS in Information Technology from IOE, following on from her BA (Hons) in Information Technology and English. Her MA dissertation was a digital video project case study, supervised by Professor Andrew Burn at The London Knowledge Lab.
Elizabeth taught for 14 years in London, progressing from subject specialism as an ICT Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) and SSAT Lead Practitioner to whole school leadership in assistant headteacher and deputy headteacher roles in three London schools. Major projects Elizabeth has worked on include Building Schools for the Future (BSF), academy conversion and the introduction of a new Sixth Form. She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), a Fellow of the College of Teachers (FCOT, MCollT), a Chartered London Teacher and a MirandaNet scholar. Elizabeth is a co-opted member of the ITTE committee: the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education.
Elizabeth was awarded the Gerald Collier Schoolteacher Scholarship in 2014 by the Gerald Collier Scholarship Committee at the College of St. Hild and St. Bede. Elizabeth is also a member of the PGR Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) and the PGR Board of Studies representative.