Main Lecture room – West Downs 2
Chair: Emma Goto
Time 13.45 – 14.45

This paper builds on the success of an earlier cross-agency Healthy Eating project (using PowerPoint, published by NFER, and on-line by MirandaNet in 2007), which was devised with the practical support of National Health Service nutritional experts (NHS).  The aim of this continuing project is to develop Further Education (FE) students’ awareness of healthy eating needs, in tandem with the new UK curriculum imperative of developing computer coding skills, now called Computing.

As part of their Life Skills course, Lambeth College FE students with learning difficulties and disabilities (LLDD) followed the NHS healthy recipes in their cookery lessons, played related Scratch 2.0 games devised specifically for them by a Year 6 student, aged 10-11, and successfully coded their own versions of a spaghetti recipe, using Scratch 2.0, designed for future use by Lambeth cookery students, on the Interactive White Board in the College kitchen.  As part of the project, the FE students also successfully developed their spoken and recording skills using a sound-into-text application.

The project explored the possible advantages and applications of some of this material for use in the work of Occupational Therapists in Kingston and Richmond, London, which we hope will be further developed using the planned HTML5 version of Scratch, from August 2018.

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Lawrence Williams, a graduate in English Language and Literature; in Education; and in Philosophy, is an experienced classroom practitioner, who has also taught Literacy, ICT, and Computing, on initial teacher training and MA courses at Brunel University London, the UCL Institute of Education, King’s College London, and at a number of other universities in England, and abroad. He is a Senior MirandaNet Fellow and World Peace Ambassador, and has represented the United Kingdom at international ICT conferences for the DfES and Becta.

His interests are in literacy, creative uses of ICT/Computing, cross-curricular teaching and learning, and in international collaborations, on which he has written and published widely. He has received many national and international awards for his classroom practice, including a 1998 Japan Festival Award for “Kabuki Gift”, a bi-lingual international Drama through video-conferencing; a 1999 National Teaching Award in ICT; Rolls-Royce Science Awards in 2007 and 2008 for Science Through Arts, an on-line collaboration with NASA scientists in Cleveland, Ohio; and the 2012 Naace ICT Impact Award: Lifelong Achievement. His most recent book, “Introducing Computing: a guide for teachers” Routledge 2015, outlines his “Literacy from Scratch” story-telling-with-computing project.

 He is currently collaborating with Lambeth College, in south London, to develop teaching materials in computing for FE students with learning difficulties and disabilities, work that was presented most recently at ITTE in London 2016, and at IFIP WCCE in Dublin, 2017.