E-safety in Initial Teacher Training – Early Years and Primary Phase

E-safety is an important, changing and demanding area of the initial teacher training curriculum. The aim of the working group was to develop a strategy that provided a comprehensive and rigorous resource that would be suitable for any ITT tutor to lead an e-safety session and a resource that any primary phase trainee could use in a school placement to teach an e-safety session.

Important considerations were:

“Characteristics for the provision and use of ICT that all teacher training providers should be aiming to attain… (12) an integrated approach to e‐safety training that is not limited to the classroom but includes the acceptable and professional use of ICT.” Characteristics for the provision and use of ICT

E-safety is an area of training with continuing and changing demands that need supporting with tutor CPD on an annual basis.

The need for using stimulating trigger materials for the presentation of the issues to trainees was identified. After search and review of the available materials it was concluded that Jenny’s Story is the most impactful http://www.childnet-int.org/jenny

The value of discussing e-safety in terms of the 3 ‘C’s contact, content and conduct of the Safer Children in a Digital World – The Report of the Byron Review http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/byronreview

Trainees need “safe” resources to try in the classroom – these were identified as Know IT All

Trainees need a clear message about: grooming, cyberbullying, professionalism and the curriculum (National Strategies) relating to e-safety. They need to understand that professionalism regarding e-safety relates, not only to what they do in the classroom but, to how they conduct themselves outside the classroom.

There needs to be reference to the Professional Standards and guidance for trainees to evidence their attainment against them.

The final resource is a presentation file (downloadable from tba) that reflects the needs of primary phase tutors and trainees that links directly to the resources of the Know IT All for trainee teachers DVD including the “Karl Hopwood” introduction, Jenny’s Story DVD and links to the Childnet website http://www.childnet-int.org/kia/traineeteachers

Working group:

Andrew Csizmadia <A.P.Csizmadia@newman.ac.uk>
Graham Jarvis <
Tony Pickford <
Kate Watson <
John Woollard <
Sarah Younie <

You can download the presentation and the leaflet from the links below.