‘What does our research tell us about the curriculum in schools?’
Over the past year we have conducted extensive research on the curriculum in primary schools. These findings will inform how Ofsted inspects from 2019 onwards.
Here is a summary: Last year we published a commentary from HMCI on our findings from our research on the curriculum in primary and secondary schools. We have continued to investigate this topic this year, and this is feeding into Ofsted’s thinking about how we will inspect from 2019 onwards. In this session I will reflect on our findings to date and give an insight into the areas of focus that are driving our current approach. One of the issues we are interested in is how inspections can assess performance in different subject areas, while preserving the important principle that Ofsted does not have a preferred curriculum.
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Amelia is Deputy Director with responsibility for Ofsted’s research and evaluation programme. This includes oversight of Amanda Spielman’s new multi-year research programme into the curriculum across all phases of education. Previously in Ofsted she was responsible for the Chief Inspector’s Annual Reports and published eight of these across schools, early years, children’s social care and further education and skills under Sir Michael Wilshaw. Before joining Ofsted she led research on services for older people, localising justice and housing for the LGiU, a local government thinktank. She has previously had strategy and policy roles in local government and the civil service.