Recently, we’ve seen a welcome increase in the focus on what makes professional learning for teachers effective. In the face of workload, recruitment and retention concerns across the sector, attention is being paid to how CPD can help, rather than hinder each of these challenges. If teachers are to spend time on their CPD then it must be worthwhile; resulting in a greater level of impact on students’ learning.

The release of the ‘Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development’ by the Department for Education in July 2016 was a significant move in the direction of more relevant and meaningful CPD for teachers.

Whilst there is now an increasing evidence base and sharing of practice related to what makes effective face-to-face CPD for teachers, The CCoT is interested in what makes effective online learning for teachers.To date mentoring online is a skill that is largely acquired without any formalised training. In addition, the design of many of the online packages does not allow more than a simplistic pedagogical approach, mostly information transmission.

In this context, Alison Hramiak and Christina Preston, ITTE/MirandaNet will explain how they have been investigating the perceptions of the role of the ementor and the main issues and challenges surrounding this role for them and their institution. The theoretical models that have been developed in MirandaNet Fellowship practice since 1994  have been used as a lens through which to focus on what the mentoring role is thought to be both in courses and in communities of practice. In this workshop they will share their thematic analysis of the data captured through questionnaires ask their co-researchers to share the evidence they have provided through  in-depth interviews.


Alison Hramiak is a Senior Lecturer in Education at Sheffield Hallam University, working primarily as the Post 16 PGCE Course Leader. She is a science and computer science specialist subject tutor, and teaches on the Masters and Doctoral Courses at Sheffield Hallam.

Her research interests include, cultural adaptations and impact  in beginning teachers, assessment and feedback, the history of education, research methods and she has also researched into pedagogy and ICT – particularly Web 2.0 Technologies, and Digital Literacy. Alison has published books and papers on these topics, nationally and internationally, and regularly present her work at national and international conferences. She has co-written and edited a number of books on education and is a Fellow of the HEA.


Dr Christina Preston has been at the forefront of edtech for over 25 years. Current chair of ITTE and Associate Professor of Education at De Montfort University, Christina has won 5 international awards for her contribution to education innovation in research and in practice based professional development programmes. In 1992 she founded the MirandaNet Fellowship, the first international e-community of practice, to provide educators with opportunities to share knowledge and experience about innovation in teaching and learning. MirandaNet Fellows work with associate companies and teachers on research projects that involve teachers in managing change. (