Main Lecture room – West Downs 2
Chair: Emma Goto
Time 13.45 – 14.45

Whatever models of professional development a school uses they need to ensure that the investment of money, resources and staff time is having the desired impact on teaching and learning. The Self-Review Framework (SRF), originally created by Becta and other government agencies and then adopted and maintained by Naace, has always had Professional Development as one of the fundamental elements of developing the effective use of Education Technology within schools. Naace are currently leading the revision of the SRF to ensure that the support that it provides to schools is up-to-date and relevant to what is now a very different world in terms of the technologies as well as school governance and support.

Naace believe that there is a greater need now than ever before for schools to systematically review the role of Education Technology. Access to devices and applications has become ubiquitous and, for better or for worse, has the potential to have an impact on all aspects of teaching, learning and management of schools. International evidence demonstrates that where technology is used without careful consideration and review then this can have a negative impact on standards. However, the extensive evidence presented by the Education Endowment Foundation shows that the use of digital technology can lead to significant improvements and gains in standards.

Whether schools are looking to raise standards or preparing themselves in readiness for taking on new technologies, the Naace SRF provides a familiar framework to schools that supports them in self-reviewing their use of education technology, identifying their own development priorities and professional development needs. This presentation is an opportunity to discuss the different Elements that make up the self-review framework and, in particular, to consider the Professional Development Element and contribute to the guidance, suggested evidence and suggested action planning that accompanies each Aspect.

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Simon Shaw is founder and director of Edable, an independent educational technology consulting company. Simon considers himself to be firstly a teacher and educator being a former subject leader for Physics and ICT Coordinator who has also taught science, mathematics, technology, music and outdoor activities.

As well as developing the use of ICT and data in schools Simon also has a long track record of technical and business roles working within the wider public sector and with commercial organisations. Working for Capita as a business development manager he looked after the development of businesses integrating with SIMS and also developed Capita’s NGfL Managed Services. As a senior manager at Becta – the former government educational technology agency – Simon led the development of the ICT Mark and he still acts as lead for this accreditation on behalf of Naace. He also led significant national pieces of work such as the £34 million ICT Test Bed project and Parental Engagement programmes including the hosting of regional and national conferences and seminars.

More recently Simon has been involved in the setting up of Hwb – the all Wales VLE, the development of Naace’s 3rdMillennium Learning Awards and the creation of LIFE 2014 – a procurement framework to meet the educational ICT infrastructure needs of schools across London.

Through Edable Simon continues to support suppliers, schools and local authorities in defining educational ICT requirements, procuring technical solutions and delivering value for money services.

Simon’s mission is to ensure that in 1 years time schools are making the best use of technology to support the learning of his now 3 year old daughter.