Not yet…

Waiting… Picture from Licence: CCO
So the new Computing curriculum came in over 4 years ago. Launched with the enthusiasm of big voices and players who promised much. Has it delivered?
Have more students studied computer science at A level? Not yet.
Have more students studies computer science at degree level? Not yet.
Are industry saying they are happier about having an IT-literate workforce? Not yet.
Are more girls continuing after KS3 with computing? No, numbers are now lower than ever (see the CREST report.)
Are teachers confident about teaching the subject of Computing? Yes some are. CAS and others have worked hard to support teachers. Are the majority? No. Primary teachers and many secondary teachers I meet still struggle, particularly with the concepts of computational thinking and programming. They deliver ‘Scratch’ or ‘python’ but don’t cover the underlying principle of good programming. They cover esafety but are unsure about database management and principles of good design for different audiences.
Are people, flocking to train as teachers of Computing? No, in fact they seem to be running away faster than ever.
Is Computing being delivered in it entirety? Anecdotally, no. The focus on Computer Science in the available CPD has taken the eye away from the other elements of IT and digital literacy.
So what now?
The y7 in 2013 are y11 now. Will they choose A level CS in big numbers?
Will primary pupils enter secondary enthused and with the skills needed to take the subject to higher levels?
Will ongoing, well funded and appropriate CPD improve teacher confidence for the whole subject of Computing?
Will we get a flurry of people wanting to train to teach Computing soon?
Answers on a punch card please……
Further reading:
The Computing Curriculum In England: A Timeline Of Hopes And Experience