ITTE Newsletters
From February 2016 the ITTE newsletter is produced and published using MailChimp.
The Newsletter archive is now available here:
Number 62 - Summer 2009 (5.93Mb)
Reflections on the Exeter Conference, ICT Induction project, Overcoming pedagogical difficulties, Primary Curriculum Reform Consultation, BBC School Report Project, Playing games up North, A Practical Approach to e-Marking, and Libbey Jared in the hot seat...
Number 61 - Spring 2009 (2.75Mb)
Alternative forms of assessment, paired PGCE placements, blogging for reflective practice, opportunities for New ICT Tutors...
Number 60 - Autumn 2008 (2.46)
Learning on the move, ePortfolios, in the hot seat, new on the bookshelf, ten million times mathematics, reflections on ITTE 08...
Number 59 - Summer 2008 (4.25Mb)
The role of VSRD, ICT in the Primary Curriculum, ICT Characteristics in ITT, classic LOGO, classic Grasshopper, scouting for Dinosaurs, fascinating cultural artifacts, web 2.0 technologies...
Number 58 - Spring 2008 (4.99Mb)
Beyond current horizons, Know IT all, simple ePortfolios, subject knowledge and understanding - a little challenge, remembering Tony van der Kuyl, SITE 2008, reducing social inequity with technology...
Number 57 - Autumn 2007 (1.64Mb)
An ICT course for a Secondary PGCE, Learning theories and QTS, TDA e-portfolios seminar, Helen's blog, ITTE subject resource network, ITTE 07 Conference report, getting published...
Number 56 - Summer 2007 (1.98Mb)
What is this thing called ICT anyway?, I'm not going to take this anymore, a Tale of Two ITTEs, will there be Jam tomorrow?, e-Safety, why we should improve, braided learning...
Number 55 - Spring 2007 (1.84Mb)
Weblogs, PhDs and..., visual literacy, a grand day out, peer support for tutors, research seminar, new on the bookshelf, CAL 07 - Dublin...
Number 54 - Autumn 2006 (9.53Mb)
Swimming in a smaller pool, return from a virtual world, Canterbury conference notes, the more I find out the less I know, those magnificent ITTE members, my best lesson...
Number 53 - Summer 2006 (2.38Mb)
Has the IWB solved any problems yet?, would we have to take it home? Social software - from elearning to 'C learning', ITTE update, from Richard's blog, web wanderings...
Number 52 - Spring 2006 (1.35Mb)
Interactive Whiteboards - 'wow' or 'ow'?, Becta ICT day, PGCE ICT trainees' perceptions of cross curricular ICT, functional skills: the busy person's guide, less is more? - the new standards, wireless networks...
Number 51 - Autumn 2005 (1.42Mb)
Gadgets, communities of practice, conference perspectives, working with an IWB, in the hot seat, my best lesson, corrections and omissions, invisible, deep and hidden...
Number 50 - Summer 2005 (3.47Mb)
The good old days, invisible teachers?, ICT - a two edged sword, sixteen and two thirds years on, your first parents' meeting, free software, when is a toy not a toy...?
Number 49 - Spring 2005 (3.06Mb)
Remembering Carole Fine, PDAs for ITT, Ultraversity, what is missing in ICT?, SITE05 conference report, ITTE, the committee and you...
Number 48 - Autumn 2004 (1.91Mb)
Toolbar for PGCE IT, supporting the professional development of mentors with video, using wireless laptops to establish and support e-learning, annotape - audio analysis without tears, learning technology and individualised learning projects...
Number 47 - Summer 2004 (2.91Mb)
Is business good for ICT?, the NOF ICT training evaluation, Goulash Palinka and ICT, Supporting Tutors, intellectual and intercultural 'bridges', conference perspectives, a year in the life of the vice chair...
Number 46 - Spring 2004 (1.53Mb)
Keeping in touch, ICT as scapegoat, a reflective discussion, desert island disks, there's more to this, Tony Hart, the research seminar...
Number 45 - Autumn 2003 (293Kb)
Is all research into educational ICT 'social informatics' research?, what do teachers do to turn curriculum knowledge into pedagogic content knowledge?, he's got to have one!, I asked the list, two reflections from ITTE 03...
Number 44 - Summer 2003 (202Kb)
The PGCE Secondary ICT at Middlesex, GCSE students' use of the internet, electronic submission of assignments, diary of a conference organiser, european conference report, powerpoint traffic lights quiz...
Number 43 - Spring 2003 (467Kb)
The internet in the classroom, software and hardware in primary schools - a retrospective view, addiotnal materials for ICT strategy unti 7.4, benefits of wireless laptops, report of IFIP Melbourne conference, ITTE journal update...
Number 42 - Autumn 2002 (475Kb)
Generic ICT hours in Primary PGCE course, symbols and iconicity, an Australian perspective, bridging the digital divide, dumplings and champagne, Intel Teach to the Future, TOPIKA workshop...
Number 41 - Summer 2002 (246Kb)
The potential of ICT, goody goody, marriage made in Valhalla?, about Futurelab, a classroom task, IWBs, ITTE Scholars...
Number 40 - Spring 2002 (488Kb)
ICT research activity in Birmingham, could the money be better spent?, a view from the silicon face, introducing Allsorts Primary, a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, a basic taxonomy of teaching skills? minidisc recorders for research...
Number 39 - Autumn 2001 (148Kb)
IWBs - yet another solution looking for a problem, is ICT changing the nature of knowledge?, contextualisation, using web authoring to increase student engagement, weaving the Wapping Web, virtual or managed learning environments...
Number 38 - Summer 2001 (381Kb)
Breaking down the barriers of IT, when summer comes round again, making subject knowledge webpages, small and big steps over two years, what kinds of online music education are there?, could the elicitation engine work for you?...
Number 37 - Spring 2001 (181Kb)
Confused, confusing or simply chaotic?, is there really a lack of pedagogy for ICT?, creating spaces, bohemian sabbatical, life on the other side...
Number 36 - Autumn 2000 (254Kb)
Is ICT a subject?, Should ICT be a subject?, european schoolnet, mirandanet - transforming teaching, E3M conference report, research conference report, SWITTE...
Number 35 - Summer 2000 (302Kb)
Managing the standards - portfolio marking, it's teaching Jim but not as we know it, Survey of ICT use during PGCE first block practice, images of ICT in primary schools, a possible classification of learning environments, confusing reality in the information age, ICT/IT/Computing as a subject...
Number 34 - Spring 2000 (278Kb)
Is anybody out there?, Helping ITE students to meet the NC in ICT, just in time learning, meeting the standards in schools, what motivates teachers to use ICT?, Supporting Inclusion, a letter from America...
Number 33 - Autumn 1999 (232Kb)
Using databases and finding literature, health and safety, ICT and PGCE student teachers - are there still problems?, intriducing new students to ICT - trying to give a purpose to it all...
Number 32 - Summer 1999 (354Kb)
ITTE research day, research news, using ICT for interactive teaching, and which straw did you get?, C in your IT anyone?, ICT in literature...
Number 31 - Spring 1999 (1.29Mb)
Remembering Bill Tagg, ICT education research centre is online, working on a multimedia project based in Latvia, who are you talking to?, BSCW - its not mad cow disease...